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10 Functions You Should Outsource To A Third Party

As a business owner, you want to be hands-on in its operations. However, managing a business involves a lot of functions that are better off handled by professionals. You cannot be a jack-of-all-trades or the whole business may suffer. This is where an outsourced third party comes in. They allow you to focus on what

irate customers

Tips For Dealing With An Irate Customer

No matter how great your product is, there will be customers who will not be pleased and get frustrated. As a customer service agent, you will be dealing with irate customers at some point in time. Customers expect a lot from your brand and they get frustrated if you cannot meet their expectations. According to


How To Choose An Ecommerce Platform

Choosing the right platform is crucial to the success of your ecommerce business. Online stores have been on the rise in recent years. According to Insider Intelligence, ecommerce sales will comprise 23.6 percent of all retail sales by 2025, which is more than double than they were in 2019. With an ecommerce platform, online stores

mobile-friendly website

Tips For Making Your Website Mobile Friendly

Having a website for your business is a good way to establish an online presence. With most transactions now being done online, not having a website can be a huge mistake. In today’s digital age, people prefer buying products online using their mobile devices. According to Oberlo, mobile web traffic accounts for 54.8% of global

customer service

How To Show Empathy In Customer Service

It used to be that businesses offered the best product and pricing to lure potential customers. All that has changed over the years. Nowadays, the company with the best customer service wins customers. According to Zendesk, 3 in 4 customers will spend more with businesses that deliver good customer service. In addition, customers who feel


10 Dropshipping Mistakes You Should Avoid

If you are just getting started  with an ecommerce business, dropshipping can be a good fulfillment option. In dropshipping, the burden of shipping an order lies on the shoulders of a dropshipping company. Your only job is to provide the dropshipping company with customer information and they will handle the order fulfillment.  While it may

customer engagement

How To Boost Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is the key to converting visitors to paying customers. You may have the best products and offerings in your industry but if your target market is not engaged, no amount of convincing will convert them. Customer engagement is not just about reducing your churn and getting more referrals. You need to interact with

online store

Tips On Boosting Your Online Store

In today’s digital age, not having an online store could translate to lost business for you. Online stores have been big in the last few years, especially during the pandemic. People prefer the convenience of being able to make purchases anytime anywhere. As of 2022, there were 268 million online shoppers in the United States

online shopping

Benefits of Having An Online Store

In today’s online world, having an online presence can give your business a competitive edge. If you are selling products, an online store can help you reach more customers. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the rise in popularity of online stores. But even before, many businesses have already been running their online stores. In the

virtual assistant

Top 10 Skills You Need To Succeed As Virtual Assistant

Being a virtual assistant can be a lucrative venture. With the advancement in technology, it is now possible for businesses to offload some tasks from their in-house team to a virtual assistant. You will be counted upon to handle tasks that suit your skills. Whether it’s handling phone calls, administrative or back office skills, and

agency vs freelancer

Agency or Freelancer: Which One Is Better?

Although you may want to be hands-on with running your business, you should consider getting help to keep your team from being overwhelmed. If you need to hire a professional to design your website, write content, or prepare income statements or balance sheets, outsourcing is the way to go. By outsourcing, you can focus on


Top 10 Outsourcing Trends in The Philippines

The Philippines is one of the top outsourcing destinations. Known as the “BPO Capital of the World,” the country has been a preferred destination by foreign companies who are planning to expand their footprint overseas. Top companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Wells Fargo have offices in the Philippines. The country has been a top choice

order fulfillment

Dropshipping vs FBA: Which Is Better?

As an Ecommerce owner, one of your top concerns is to ensure the safe and secure delivery of the customer’s order. Order fulfillment is crucial in ensuring customer loyalty. Studies show that nearly 62% of customers expect their orders to arrive in less than three days. In addition, most consumers expect fast and free fulfillment


Top E-Commerce Platforms for Small Businesses

As an ecommerce business owner, you want to ensure a seamless experience for online shoppers.  Ecommerce platforms do just that. They help ensure a smooth transaction between your online store and the buyer. They offer convenience to the customer from browsing your products to payment. With mobile commerce on the rise, it is important for

virtual assistant

Common Mistakes in Outsourcing A Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants can help businesses lighten the workload of their workforce. If your team is already overwhelmed with tasks, it can be hard for them to take on another task. This is where a virtual assistant can come in handy. Rather than hiring another full-time employee, hiring a virtual assistant can also help reduce your

customer service

10 Common Myths About Customer Service

Effective customer service is key to the success of your business. With today’s breed of customers, customer service has become a key differentiator. When done right, it can have a huge impact on your return on investment. According to Hubspot, 68% of customers say they are willing to pay more for products or services in

social media marketing

Choosing The Best Platform for Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has seen a spike in popularity over the years. With most smartphones now having social media capabilities, it has become easier for both individual and business marketers to leverage social media for marketing their business. As of January 2023, the number of social media users worldwide grew by 3% YoY or 137

customer experience

How To Improve Customer Experience

Satisfying your customers should always be a top priority. They play a huge role in the success of your business. Studies reveal that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. In addition, many businesses now consider customer experience as a competitive differentiator. For this reason, you need to devise

lead generation

10 Common Mistakes in Lead Generation

Every business aspires to drive traffic to its website. In the midst of heavy competition, they need to break through the noise to have a shot at generating a sale. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Lead generation has proven to be a challenge. According to Hubspot, 61% of marketers rank driving traffic and

medical billing

Why Outsourcing Medical Billing Makes Sense?

Proper medical billing is vital to the healthcare industry. As a medical biller, it is important that you charge patients with their correct bill. However, studies show that around 80% of medical bills have errors, 25% of which are due to typos. Data also shows that errors in medical bills cost hospitals an estimated $935


8 Reasons You Should Outsource in The Philippines

Business process outsourcing or what is popularly known as BPO is one of the biggest contributors to the Philippine economy. In fact, it is considered one of the two legs of the Philippine economy, the other one being OFW remittances. The Philippine BPO industry contributes almost $30 billion to the Philippine economy each year. In

Amazon selling

How To Succeed As An Amazon Seller

Selling on Amazon can be a lucrative venture when done right. If Google is the king of search engines, Amazon is the top e-commerce platform. According to statistics, the platform earns $14,900 every second, $894,000 per minute, and more than $53 million in just an hour. Just how popular is Amazon? Well, 63% of customers

customer service

How To Handle Common Sales Objections

As an agent, you need to keep in mind that not every customer will purchase the product you are offering. But that does not mean that the sale is already lost. Sales objections are a fact of life that every call center agent or salesperson must acknowledge or embrace. Sales objections mean there are some

digital marketing

Should You Outsource Digital Marketing?

In an era that is slowly being dominated by artificial intelligence, having an online digital marketing presence is the way to go. But digital marketing is not just about posting content online and waiting for viewers to engage. Reaching your target audience requires time and resources. As a business owner, juggling your time between your

search engine optimization

10 Reasons Why You Should Outsource SEO

Whether it’s a blog, ecommerce website, or homepage, search engine optimization is vital to driving traffic. 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Your objective is to ensure that your blog or website makes it to the top of search engine ranking results. If your site does not make it to the search


10 Essential Skills To Ensure Ecommerce Success

Managing an online store can be a lucrative venture. Ecommerce businesses continue to thrive and are showing no signs of slowing down. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, online stores reached unprecedented heights as people shifted to online shopping. But even before that, people had already been shopping online. Ecommerce sales are expected to


9 Common Myths In the Recruitment Process

Getting the right person for your team is vital for the growth of your business. Unfortunately, this is one area where most companies need help. According to a Monster global report, 9 out of 10 employers struggle to fill jobs with 29% saying that the skills gap has increased over the years. If this trend

customer support

Do’s & Don’ts of Customer Support

Customer support is a vital aspect of any business. Without customers, the company will not thrive. As such, it is every company’s job to make sure that they deliver excellent customer service. Poor customer support can have a huge bounce back not only on their revenue but also on their reputation. A study by the


Types of BPO And Which One Is For You

Business process outsourcing allows businesses to offload time-consuming tasks from their plate so they can focus on their core business. By contracting a third-party vendor, you save on labor costs as well as on salaries and benefits. Every business is aware of how difficult it is to run a company. Sometimes as a business owner,


Types of Recruitment Firms Explained

Recruitment is important in finding the right candidates to fill up vacancies in your company. While you may have a human resource department to handle that, there will come a time when the recruitment effort will become overwhelming for your in-house team. This is where hiring an outside recruitment firm may come in handy. But

customer service

10 Skills An Effective Customer Service Representative Should Possess

Regardless of the industry, customer service skills are a must in order to effectively close out a sale. Nowadays, we see a new breed of customers who demand a lot from customer service teams. A Zendesk study revealed that 84% of customers say that customer service can influence their purchase decision. In addition, 59% of


How To Choose The Right Recruitment Provider

Recruiting the right people for your team is crucial for the success of your business. Unfortunately, 9 out of 10 employers are struggling to fill jobs with 29% saying that the skills gap has increased over the years. Statistics further show that only 1 in 3 companies hire the “right” person meaning that 2 out


Front Office Services You Can Outsource

In the BPO industry, the front office refers to client-facing functions. They are the tasks that are related to customer interactions, such as inbound or outbound sales, help desk, customer service, and others. In most businesses, front service may include receptionists or the administrative assistants. Front offices are crucial to an organization because they can


Signs Your Recruitment Provider Is A Scam

Recruitment is an important function that every business should undertake. It helps them find the right person to fill up their manpower needs. However, the recruitment process can become overwhelming for your in-house team. This is where a recruitment provider can help you find the right candidate for certain positions in your organization. According to


Red Flags To Watch Out For When Outsourcing To A Provider

Many businesses have now realized the various benefits of outsourcing. The number of  businesses that outsource functions has continued to increase. 65% of companies that previously outsourced plan to increase outsourcing. Working with outsourcing companies helps you focus on your core business. In return, this will increase productivity and generate more revenue for your business. 

ecommerce websites

Do’s & Don’ts of Ecommerce Websites

Having an ecommerce website allows customers to see your products and services. It provides you with an avenue for selling online. Your ecommerce website can help support your online transactions. More than giving you a platform for selling your products or services, an ecommerce website allows you to extend your customer reach.  But an ecommerce

sales funnel

How To Optimize Your Sales Funnel And Boost Conversion Rate

Optimizing your sales funnel is important for increasing sales revenue and your marketing ROI. A sales funnel can help you cast a wide net on your target audience. If you are selling a product or service, your objective is to push potential customers down to the bottom of the funnel and make a purchase. When

average resolution time

How To Improve Average Resolution Time

Addressing customer issues as quickly as possible is a must to ensure retention. 45% of consumers will abandon an online transaction if their questions or concerns are not quickly addressed. Improving average resolution time (ART) is associated with customer satisfaction and retention. The quicker you resolve customer issues, the more satisfied they will be.  The

job satisfaction

Tips To Increase Employee Job Satisfaction

Keeping employees satisfied is something that every business should strive for. Unhappy employees will always seek out new opportunities that will provide them with better job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can have an impact on both individual and team performance.  Statistics revealed that about half or 49% of employees are very satisfied with their current job.

business process outsource

9 Career Opportunities You Can Explore In A BPO

Business process outsourcing is one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative industries in the country today. As one of the two legs of the Philippine economy, BPOs have consistently provided job opportunities to millions of Filipinos. As of 2019, it is estimated that 1.3 million Filipinos work in more than 1000 BPO companies. The sector

customer service

Essential Do’s and Don’ts In Customer Service

In today’s digital age, the battlefield has shifted to customer service. The company that delivers the best service wins the customer. 27% of Americans report that ineffective service is their top customer service frustration. In addition, 78% of customers have given up on a transaction due to a negative customer experience.  Aside from lost business,

back office ousourcing

How To Choose The Right Back Office Outsourcing Partner

Back-office functions are necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of your business. If your company is a vehicle, the back office is the engine that will run it. While your back office team works only in the background, their contribution to the success of your business cannot be ignored.  But, these functions can be time-consuming

linkedin profile

How To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for showcasing your profile to potential employers and colleagues. Whether as an employer or a job seeker, having a LinkedIn profile that stands out is a must. Keeping your LinkedIn profile updated is important because you never know when opportunities will come knocking on your door.  LinkedIn is the “world’s


Difference Between MultiChannel vs Omni Channel Marketing

In the world of social media and online marketing, people interact with customers from different platforms. Businesses should utilize different channels in order to get maximum exposure to customers. According to Shopify, nearly one-third of internet users use their mobile devices in making a purchase each week in 2021. Business owners should keep in mind

customer service

Empathy Phrases Your Customer Service Team Should Be Saying

Empathy is one of the most important skills in effective customer service. Showing empathy is not always easy. Sometimes trying to understand customers is conveyed as pity. There are times when customers feel like they are talking to a robot. According to a recent survey, 52%  of survey respondents believe that they have been shown


Accounting Functions You Can Outsource

Not all entrepreneurs have the time to handle all the accounting functions related to their business. These functions can be time-consuming and it may keep them from performing their main tasks. Let’s face it, not every business is good at crunching numbers. They dread the thought of preparing trial balances, income statements, and other financial

customer service

How To Use Empathy To Win Back Customers

Empathy is one of the most important skills that every customer service agent should possess. When customers want to speak to one of your agents because they have an important concern, they expect that issue to be resolved as soon as possible. It is the job of agents to make customers feel heard and understood.

ecommerce security

How To Keep Your Online Store Safe

Protecting your online store is a must these days. With so many online frauds and cyberattacks happening, the security of your store should be your top priority. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Report 2021, the public reported around 847,376 complaints of cybercrime, a 7 percent increase from 2020. Meanwhile, the 2021 Cost of A


10 Outsourcing Trends Every BPO Should Know

Outsourcing has seen tremendous growth in recent years. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses decided to outsource their various business functions like customer service, call center services, back office operations, and others, for safety protocols and social distancing. As of 2019, the global outsourcing market was valued at $92.5 billion and is

customer complaint

How To Handle Customer Complaints

Handling customer complaints can be stressful. No one wants to deal with difficult customers. Whether you like it or not, handling customer complaints becomes vital to providing excellent customer service. Just how important is handling customer complaints? 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain, but 91% will just leave. So getting customer sentiments will help your

shopping cart

How To Boost Your Shopping Cart

Shopping carts play a huge role in your conversion rates. You may have the best products in the market, but if your shopping cart does not convert, it does not mean anything. You would not be able to generate a sale with the customer just adding the product to the cart. According to a report


Difference Between Warehouse and Logistics

When it comes to ecommerce, warehouse and logistics facilities are often interchanged. While there may be some similarities and interrelationships, they are two distinct terms. As an ecommerce retailer, you need to understand the difference between each to help you make an informed decision.   Both warehousing and logistics are integral to supply chain management, but

shopping cart

Common Mistakes In Choosing A Shopping Cart

As an ecommerce owner, choosing a shopping cart should be one of your top priorities. When customers visit your online store to purchase something, you want to ensure that customers can check their orders. You need to make sure that customers get a seamless checkout experience. 18% of users abandon checkout because it’s too complicated.

electronic payments

Types of Electronic Payment Systems Explained

Ecommerce has given shoppers a new way to find and buy products from the convenience of their homes using their mobile devices. Online shopping has grown so fast that it is expected to reach 300 million in 2023. Retail mobile commerce sales hit $359.32 billion in 2021. By 2025, it is expected that sales would

customer service

How To Boost Customer Service

Effective customer service can have a huge impact on the success of your business. It can make a difference between losing and winning customers. Studies show that delivering excellent customer service can increase sales by more than 20%.  On the other hand, poor customer service can cost your business up to $62 billion per year.

outsourcing agency

Freelancer or Agency: Which One Should You Outsource To?

Outsourcing provides businesses with an opportunity to focus on what they do best. Some businesses may already have employees capable of doing additional work but others might not have this option. This is where they can bank on the assistance of an outsourcing provider. When it comes to outsourcing, you can choose between hiring a

virtual assistants

Top 10 Skills Every Virtual Assistant Should Possess

Hiring a virtual assistant offers huge benefits for your business. Aside from freeing you from the hassle of doing administrative tasks, it also saves you from the costs associated with having a full-time employee, such as wages, benefits, utilities, rentals, and others. These tasks can take you away from what you and your team should

cancel orders

Tips For Handling Order Cancellations and Returns

As an online retailer, you must be prepared to handle returns, cancellations, claims, negative reviews, and customer refund requests in the best possible way. Not doing so can impact your store’s bottom line, damage your seller metrics, and even cause account suspension. Providing customers with a way to return or cancel orders is a good

digital marketing

Should You Outsource Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing can be challenging for someone not familiar with it. Digital marketers possess knowledge and skills needed to help boost the online experience. Being on Facebook and Twitter isn’t enough to generate web traffic and convert visitors. As people spend more time on online channels, effective digital marketing becomes even more important.  Technology has

virtual assistant

10 Benefits of Outsourcing To A Virtual Assistant

As a business owner, you want to focus on the most important aspects of your business. There are more important things about your business that you should be concentrating on instead of time-consuming tasks like cold calling, accounting, copy and content writing, and others. Entrepreneurs should zero in on growing their business. But turning these


Best Ecommerce Platforms For Startup Businesses

As an online retailer, one of the things you should consider is how to grab the attention of your potential customers. It can be easy to get excited and get caught in the adrenaline rush. All that excitement can force you to make rash decisions which could eventually lead to the failure of your startup


Best Social Media Platforms For Ecommerce

Ecommerce is one of the fastest growing sectors online. The popularity of online shopping picked up during the COVID-19 pandemic but was already popular even before the pandemic struck. People prefer buying products or services online because it is quick and convenient. With ecommerce, you can order items, pay for the purchase, and wait for

content writing

Difference Between Content Curation and Content Creation

Content creation and content curation are often thought to be the same but they are actually quite different. If you want to dip your hands into content marketing but you aren’t sure how to approach it, you have come to the right place. This article will help you understand both concepts to help make an

content writing

7 Tips When Outsourcing Content

Content writing is vital for businesses in today’s digital age. When done right, content creation can help you establish an online presence. Producing great content helps you stay competitive and improve your conversion rate. Content marketing is constantly evolving and there is no sign that it is going away. But writing content can be daunting

inventory management

How To Choose The Right Inventory Management Software

Properly managing inventory is crucial to the success of your ecommerce store. Inventory management entails a high level of rigor and foresight. Errors in tracking, counting, forecasting, and data collection can lead to other major issues such as depreciation, wasteful purchases, insufficient stock, and order delivery delays.  Statistics reveal that ⅓ of businesses will miss

Amazon selling

How To Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings

When it comes to ecommerce, Amazon is the acclaimed king. The platform is the most visited online marketplace in the US with 2 billion monthly visits in the US alone. In addition, Amazon will account for nearly 40% of ecommerce sales in 2022 with the next 14 biggest retailers making up just 31% and the

social media

How Social Media Marketing Can Boost Your Online Store

In today’s digital age, not having a social media presence can be a mortal sin. For businesses, social media provides an effective platform for promoting products and services. If you’re managing an online business, being on social media is even more important if you want to stay competitive.  68% of consumers agree that social media


Types of Outsourcing Contracts

Outsourcing allows businesses to focus on their core functions while doing away with time consuming tasks. When done right, it can save you a lot  of money in operational costs. In fact, cost reduction was the top reason companies decided to outsource. Meanwhile, outsourcing can help reduce labor costs by 70%. Outsourcing will allow you

training & development

Should You Outsource Training & Staff Development?

Training & development is vital to the success and growth of your employees. Before, training was just a ‘nice to have’ but nowadays providing continuous training is necessary to keep your business competitive and sustainable. However, statistics reveal that nearly 59% of employees claim that they had no workplace training and most of their skills


Types of E-commerce Customers

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the popularity of online shopping. A recent survey revealed that the pandemic has changed the way people shop and purchase products and services. The survey shows online purchases have increased by 6 to 10 percent across most product categories.  But even before the


Recruitment vs Talent Acquisition: Which One Is Right For You?

Recruiting employees for your organization is vital for business growth. As your company expands, new roles crop up. When it comes to filling job vacancies, recruitment or talent acquisition comes into mind. These two terms are often confused as the same thing but it is not the case. It is important for organizations to understand

toxic customers

How To Deliver Excellent Customer Service to Toxic Customers

As a customer service agent, you need to learn how to deal with different kinds of customers. It is not all the time that you will be dealing with your ideal customer. There will be situations when you will be dealing with angry customers who want to make you aware of their frustrations with your

back office support

10 Common Mistakes in Outsourcing Back Office Support

Outsourcing back office support can free your staff from doing repetitive tasks to focus on their core functions. Menial tasks like data entry or administrative functions can hinder the growth of your business and your team. Back Office tasks can waste valuable time, veering them away from what your staff should be doing. This is

customer service

How To Make Your Customer Service Team Hit Their KPIs

Customer service is the lifeblood of every organization. Keeping customers happy and satisfied with your service ensures their loyalty and increased revenue for your business. Nowadays, customers are aiming for a better experience when looking for businesses to buy products and services from. 73% of customers look at customer experience in making buying decisions, behind

ecommerce business

Types of Ecommerce Business Models

Ecommerce has offered customers a convenient way of shopping. Global ecommerce retail sales surged 25.7% in 2020 to $4.213 trillion. By 2022, global retail commerce will exceed $5 trillion, accounting for a fifth of overall retail sales. By 2025, total spending will exceed $7 trillion, despite a slow growth. Ecommerce can be lucrative given the

ecommerce business

Types of E-Commerce Business

Running an ecommerce business can be a lucrative venture. According to Datareportal, 58.4% of internet users buy something online every week. In addition, data from Oberlo reveals that as of 2020, there are roughly 7.8 billion people worldwide and about 26.28 percent of them are online shoppers. And as e-commerce continues to grow, the potential

outsourcing accounting

10 Pitfalls To Avoid When Outsourcing Accounting Functions

Let’s face it. Not every business owner likes number crunching. They may be good in other aspects but preparing a trial balance and financial statements is not their cup of tea. But business owners also cannot deny that accounting is one of the most essential business operations. Income statements and expenditure reports are vital for


Should You Outsource or Stay in-House?

As an entrepreneur, there comes a point in time when running your business can become overwhelming. Deciding between outsourcing vs in-house can be tricky. You want your top talent to be working with you, but will you look for it outside or find it from your in-house team? Outsourcing and in-house both have their pros

amazon selling

How To Become A Profitable Amazon Seller

Being an Amazon seller can be a lucrative venture. When it comes to e-commerce, Amazon is the recognized king. As of 2020, Amazon’s sales grew 44.1% reaching $318.41 billion.  The platform serves as the starting point of every price check with 9 out of 10 shoppers checking out the marketplace for the best deals available.

medical billing

How To Choose The Right Medical Billing Company

Choosing the right medical billing company for your practice can be daunting. With so many options to choose from, partnering with the right company is crucial for your business. In light of the stiff competition in your industry, choosing the wrong company can become a costly mistake for your business. It is important to understand

recruitment process outsource

10 Myths About Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Recruiting talent for your organization can be cumbersome. It can be overwhelming for your in-house team if there is a huge demand for new hires to fill up vacancies in your company. Recruitment poses different challenges, expectations, and opportunities for your in-house team. This is where recruitment process outsourcing comes in. Recruitment process outsourcing makes

landing pages

Why Aren’t Your Landing Pages Bringing In Sales?

You may have the best website in the industry but is it generating enough sales for your online store? Maybe you have implemented an amazing PPC campaign through Google or Facebook ads. Unfortunately, you are only getting clicks but you are not getting conversions. If you have been running an online store for a long


How To Boost Sales Of Your ECommerce Store

Ecommerce stores are on the rise as of late, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. For many customers, online shopping gives them the convenience of being able to shop for products from their own mobile devices. As more people become more accustomed to online shopping, ecommerce will only continue to grow. In fact, it is expected

landing page

How To Create Landing Pages That Sell

The success of your website lies in its ability to bring in traffic and convert it into potential customers. Your visitors come to your website because they are looking for something and if they cannot find what they are looking for, they will just leave and look elsewhere. This is where your landing page comes

medical billing

Why Should You Outsource Medical Billing?

Medical billing is vital to the medical practice industry. It helps medical offices and patients when filing their medical claims. It also helps insurance providers give out the right amount of claims to patients. How important is medical billing to both parties? 30% of the average healthcare bill now comes from the patient’s pocket. That

finance & accounting

9 Signs It’s Time To Outsource Your Finance & Accounting Functions

Finance & accounting is a very crucial function in every business. As a business owner, you would want to find out your expenses or how much income you are generating. These functions are not just done at the end of the year but throughout the year. It should be done in a meticulous and streamlined

Medical billing

10 Skills A Good Medical Biller Should Possess

Are you planning to pursue a career as a medical biller? Medical billing can both be challenging and rewarding. As a medical biller, you will be submitting medical claims to insurance companies and payers such as Medicare and Medicaid. Medical billing is critical for the financial cycle of all health care providers. In addition, medical


10 Common ECommerce Mistakes You Should Avoid

Ecommerce has become the preferred choice of selling by both retailers and wholesalers. According to statistics, retail Ecommerce sales amounted to $4.9 trillion worldwide in 2021. It is estimated that the figure is expected to grow by 50 percent or about $7.4 trillion by 2025.  With the pandemic, online shopping has become the accepted norm


Should You Outsource Offshore or Onshore?

Back in the day, an Excel worksheet was all you needed to keep track of contracts, orders, suppliers, and employees. But as the number of your orders and customers grows, you may need to grow with it. Eventually, it may become overwhelming for your staff to keep up with the pace of your business growth.

customer service

10 Common Mistakes In Customer Service

Ensuring efficient customer service is crucial to the survival of your company. Providing excellent customer service is no longer a choice but a necessity. Poor customer experience can be detrimental to your organization. One bad experience can cause 91% of customers to be unhappy and leave without complaining. This shows us that maintaining customer service

customer experience

How To Boost Customer Experience

Customer experience has been in the spotlight over the last few years. Taking your customer experience to the next level is the key to building lasting relationships with your most loyal patrons. You may have the best and high-quality products in the industry but if you are not able to deliver a great experience to

email marketing

Tips On How To Make Your Email Marketing Campaign Successful

Email is still one of the most preferred communication channels. In the era of social media and digital marketing, businesses just cannot ignore a tool as valuable as email marketing. Data reveals that there are over 4 billion email users worldwide and is expected to grow to 4.6 billion by 2025. Now that’s a lot


10 Common Outsourcing Myths

Outsourcing is the practice of hiring a third-party provider to perform some non-core functions. It eliminates the need to do time-consuming and repetitive tasks so businesses can focus on their core business. Aside from affordability, many businesses outsource because it allows them to work faster and more efficiently. It provides businesses with access to specialized

digital payments

8 Benefits of Digital Payments For Your E-commerce Store

The popularity of e-commerce has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. The number has grown even further during the pandemic. Data revealed that 30 percent of customers are now engaged in online shopping as part of safety and health protocols. Small businesses have also found themselves increasing their online offerings during the COVID-19

web developer

Difference Between Web Designer and Web Developer

Planning to launch a website? Who will you hire for the job: a web developer or a web designer? It is so easy to get mixed up with the two. A career in web development or web design are both appealing and rewarding. They both involve working with a website and include courses in HTML

chat support

10 Critical Skills of A Chat Support Agent

Customer support is crucial to the success of your business. In order to retain customers’ business, you want to make sure that they are happy and satisfied with your service. In today’s competitive industry, you need to step up and take your customer service to the next level. Statistics from Oberlo say that 84 percent

sales script

What Makes An Effective Sales Script?

Using sales scripts has its own pros and cons. For some agents, it can make them sound robotic and monotonous. It can disrupt their active listening process and hinder them from selling. But while it is true that scripts should never be used for selling, it can vastly improve results as you would know how

email marketing

How to Launch an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Without a doubt, email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of attracting customers. In the age of social media, email may be considered an obsolete channel for targeting an audience but it’s not. More than 31% of B2B marketers believe that email newsletters are effective for lead generation. Research also reveals that


Red Flags When Looking For An Outsourcing Provider

Outsourcing can be a good way to free yourself from time-consuming and repetitive tasks so you can focus on being “in the business” rather than “on” it.  Your potential outsourcing partner will help your teams become more efficient in a cost-effective manner. It allows you to focus on your core activities.    Choosing the right outsourcing


10 Biggest Outsourcing Mistakes Every Business Should Avoid

Running a business can be a daunting task. If you are just starting out, it can be understandable to be hands-on with the business. But being an accountant, customer service, telemarketer, and sales agent at the same time can be overwhelming. Also, it may hamper your ability to focus on business growth.  As your business

shopping cart

How To Improve Shopping Cart Conversions

For an e-commerce retailer, nothing can be worse than seeing a lot of shopping cart abandonments. Nothing can be more frustrating than having shoppers not completing the checkout process. You worked hard and invested time and money to build your e-commerce website hoping for a return on investment. Studies show that 60% – 80% of


Difference Between Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

While they are designed to achieve a similar purpose – hiring people – recruitment and talent acquisition are different from each other. Thus, hiring managers should understand whether they need to recruit or acquire new talents. It is important for companies to know the difference between the two to help your company hire the best

knowledge base

How To Create An Effective Knowledge Base

Customers are well aware of how difficult it is to reach an agent who will resolve their issues. It means having to wait for several minutes in a queue. Most of the time they find themselves being transferred to another support agent over and over again. For customers, this could become a frustrating experience for


10 Common Mistakes in Crafting a Call To Action

The call to action is one of the most important parts of your landing page. You may have the best website and the best offers but if it isn’t converting and no one is clicking through your call to action then all your efforts mean nothing. A strong call to action is key to website

social media

How To Target The Right Audience on Social Media

Without a doubt, social media has become one of the most powerful channels for targeting audiences. According to the latest statistics, there are 4.55 billion social media users worldwide as of October 2021. For businesses, this offers a huge market for brand building. Creating a social media profile can help boost your online presence.  However,

customer service

10 Trends That Will Shape Customer Service

Customer service is a dynamic industry. Year in and year out the competition becomes tougher such that you need to find a way to make your customer service stand out. Nowadays, delivering quality customer service is key to business success. According to the Global State of Customer Service study of Microsoft, 90% of customers use

customer service

10 Customer Service Phrases You Should Not Tell Customers

As a company, one of the most important skills you need to have is effective communication. You will be dealing with different kinds of customers so you need to learn the proper way to talk to them. Not saying the right thing can have a detrimental effect on the entire customer experience. While it is


10 Questions To Ask When Choosing An Outsourcing Provider

Choosing an outsourcing provider offers benefits to many businesses when done right. With outsourcing, you can focus on your core activities and delegate the non-core ones to the provider. This way, you can free up not only your time but also your resources. It is a cost-saving measure as you do not have to worry

lead generation

Tips For Successful Lead Generation

Lead generation is a vital component of a company’s marketing strategy. However, it can be a difficult and time-consuming task. For many businesses, this is a big issue as they feel that they have exhausted the limit of their people. Unfortunately, many businesses are failing in this aspect. According to the ‘State of Inbound’  report


10 Common Mistakes When Hiring A Freelancer

Hiring freelancers could be necessary when running a business. Your staff may already become overwhelmed if you give them additional tasks. The freelance market is a haven for finding the best talent for filling up your manpower requirements. At present, there are 58 million freelancers worldwide and it is expected that they would comprise the

lead generation

10 Common Mistakes in Lead Generation

Lead generation is vital to customer acquisition. Sometimes a lead is the key to generating your first sale. Leads have already visited your website and have shown interest in your products or services in various ways either through your website, downloading an ebook, completing an online survey, or through other methods. But somehow marketers are

order fulfillment

10 Common Mistakes in Order Fulfillment

Order fulfilment is a vital function in any ecommerce business. Once customers have purchased a product from your online store, you need to be able to complete the process by delivering the order to the customer. It goes beyond printing a label, sticking it on a package, and handing it over to a courier for


How To Boost Your Ecommerce Checkout Process

An optimized ecommerce checkout process contributes to a positive customer experience. You may have the best website in the industry but if it isn’t converting because of faulty checkout process, it won’t mean anything. Learning how to optimize your checkout page can help improvise conversion and increase sales of your online store. According to a

customer support

Tips On Boosting Customer Support

Customer support is vital for business success. If you want to achieve business growth, then you should focus on improving this aspect of your business. After all, your customers deserve the best experience possible. According to the 2017 State of Global Customer Service Report, 54% of customers have higher expectations for customer service today. Customers

back office

Back Office Outsourcing Do’s and Don’ts

In managing your business, there are some tasks that might be time consuming and drain your resources. Tasks such as data entry, payroll & accounting, admin work, and others are back office functions that could be taking much of your time and money. As a business owner, you ought to be focusing on your core

sales & marketing

Should You Outsource Sales & Marketing?

Sales & marketing are vital functions that every business should undertake. These tasks help businesses push their brand to their target audience. Sales & marketing is a dynamic industry and your team may not be able to keep up with the pace. This can be challenging for your in-house team. With quotas and deadlines to

help desk

Help Desk vs Technical Support: What’s The Difference?

Help desk and IT support are two words that people often confuse. While both are designed to help with customer support, they serve two distinct purposes. Customer service does not end once the goods have been rendered or services have been delivered. Providing a good after-sales experience contributes to customer satisfaction. This is where both


How To Drive Traffic That Converts To Your Ecommerce Store

As an ecommerce owner, your aim is to achieve business growth. For this to happen, you need to drive quality traffic to your online store. You may have the best website in your industry but is it driving traffic? In the face of tough competition, website traffic can be one of the biggest challenges online


10 Common Mistakes in Staffing and Recruiting

Hiring the right employee to add to your team is crucial to the growth and success of your business. Employees can help you achieve your business goals and contribute to building a great culture. In the face of tough competition, it is more important for companies to hire the right employees. According to a report


Your Guide in Choosing An Outsourcing Vendor

Outsourcing has seen tremendous growth over the years. According to a survey by Clutch, more than a third or 37% of small businesses currently outsource a business process. The same survey revealed that the primary reason small businesses outsource is to increase efficiency and to have access to available expertise.  Choosing the right outsourcing vendor

customer support

10 Key Skills To Ensure Customer Service Success

Customer service is crucial to any business. For this reason, delivering the highest quality of service to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty is crucial. Excellent customer service is key to business growth and profitability. According to the 2017 American Express Global Customer Service Barometer, 7 in 10 Americans are willing to spend an average of

IT support

Steps On How To Outsource IT Support

In the digital age, ensuring that your business is tech-savvy can give your business an edge over the competition. Given the plethora of technologies available at their disposal today, businesses may not have the capabilities and manpower to capitalize on these technologies. This is where outsourcing IT support can become beneficial for your business. The

customer support

Signs Your Customer Support Isn’t Working

Customer support is crucial to business success, regardless of the industry you operate in. Resolving customer issues will dictate whether or not users will keep doing business with you or move their business elsewhere. The level of support you provide contributes to the whole customer experience (CX).  Nowadays, price and product are no longer the

back office support

9 Back Office Functions You Can Outsource

As a business owner, you want to focus on growing or expanding your business. You need to focus on bringing in new customers. But as you focus on business growth, it can become overwhelming if you still have to do the back office functions like payroll, recruiting, or IT infrastructure. If those activities are keeping


Different Types of Outsourcing Explained

Outsourcing offers businesses the opportunity to focus on their core competencies while freeing themselves from time consuming tasks. When you have a huge demand for workforce and services, outsourcing can help you meet those demands. Outsourcing also gives your business continuity since the resources are not placed in a single location.  It can be difficult

customer support

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Outsourcing Customer Support

Customer support is a vital aspect of running a business. For this reason, it demands more time and attention. Times have changed. According to a Walker study, by the end of 2020 customer experience will differentiate brands from their competition. According to the study, customers put high value on their experience. 86% of customers will

selling business

Top Mistakes You Should Avoid When Selling Your Business

As a businessman, you want your business to grow and succeed as much as possible. However, sometimes it’s not meant to be. The Small Business Association states that 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of opening, 50% during the first five years, and 66% during the first 10. Only 25% make

job burnout

How To Avoid Job Burnout

There comes a point in your employment when you will feel burned out. According to a recent study by Gallup, 23 percent of employees reported feeling burned out very often or always and an additional 44 percent say that they feel burned out sometimes. Job burnout can have a huge effect on employee performance. When


Advice When Registering your E-Commerce Business

Starting your own e-commerce business can be a little bit tricky. You have to think about a lot of things such as your inventory, marketing your business, servicing your customers, and others. But before you get busy with running your business, the first thing you need to do is register your e-commerce business. Running an


Types of BPO Services Explained

Outsourcing your business gives you the opportunity to focus on the more important aspects of running a business. Many firms have seen the benefits of outsourcing work so they can focus on the core of their business. Common services outsourced to BPO providers include payroll, accounting, telemarketing, data recording, and others. According to Statista, the

back office support

A Guide On How To Outsource Back Office Support

In any business or organization it is usually your sales team or client-facing staff who gets the credit for the growth of your business. This is because they are the ones who interact with customers and generate sales and profits. But to ensure peak performance, they need a support team. Your sales and customer service

work from home

Remote Work vs Work From Home: What’s The Difference?

Remote work and work from home are often used interchangeably. But they shouldn’t be because they are distinct from one another. The two terms became popular in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of health protocols issued by the government. You may have some kind of office set up in your home

online store

Online vs Offline Store: Which One is For You?

With the growth in online shopping, one wonders if it still makes sense to put up a retail store. Over the years, the number of mobile shoppers continue to rise. E-commerce sales made up around 10 percent of total U.S. retail sales in the third quarter of 2018. 8 in 10 Americans shop online and

brick-and-mortar store

Benefits of Owning A Brick And Mortar Store

The growth of electronic commerce cannot be denied. According to statistics from BigCommerce, e-commerce sales are expected to breach the $740 billion mark by 2023 in the United States alone.  In addition, e-commerce has accounted for close to 11% of all retail sales in the US. E-commerce has allowed customers to shop from the convenience

amazon selling

Steps on Selling Your Amazon Business

Being an Amazon seller can be a lucrative venture. The platform is the starting point for shoppers before going to other marketplaces. 23 percent of online shoppers go first on Amazon for inspiration when they don’t have a specific product in mind for purchase. In 2021, it is expected that more than 2.14 billion people

amazon selling

Tips on Becoming a Profitable Amazon Seller

Selling in the Amazon Marketplace is something that every online seller should consider. Since its creation 25 years ago, Amazon has grown to become the top ecommerce platform in the world. As of 2018, Amazon’s share of the US ecommerce market hit 49%, bigger than eBay (6.6%), Apple (3.9%), and Walmart (3.7%) combined. In addition,

project manager

How To Succeed As A Project Manager

Handling projects can be extremely challenging for most managers. Your organization may be working on multiple projects but are the ones who are handling the project capable of succeeding? Statistics reveal that an astounding 97% of organizations believe that project management is critical to business performance and organizational success. There are many challenges facing project

product review

How To Do A Product Review

As an online retailer, you want to ensure customer satisfaction. One of the ways you can check their satisfaction is through product reviews. Keeping your customers happy is the most powerful tool you can have in your e-commerce business. 63% of customers are more likely to purchase a product from a company that has product


Are you a businessman or an entrepreneur?

A businessman and an entrepreneur are two words that are often interchangable. People often get the notion that when someone is a businessman, they are also entrepreneurs but this is not the case. Businessmen and entrepreneurs both own a business and make passive income. They both provide solutions to consumers and help with economic development. 

customer relationship

How To Choose The Right CRM For Your Business

When your business first started, you probably tracked customer information such as email, address, and contact number via a spreadsheet. As your business grows, you need to consider changing the way you track customer data. Spreadsheets are difficult to update, interpret, and synchronize with your team. For this reason, valuable customer information becomes lost. This


E-Commerce Inventory Handling Options

The number of e-commerce stores has risen over the years. As of 2018, an estimated 1.8 billion people worldwide had purchased goods online. In that year, global retail sales amounted to $2.8 trillion. It is estimated that global retail e-sales will increase to $4.8 trillion by 2021. Figures from Statista reveal that 4.75 percent of

earning an income

How To Turn Active To Passive Income

There is a famous cliché which states, “Money makes the world go round.” In reality, it does. We work to make money. We use the income we get from our jobs to buy necessities. But the money you will earn from your jobs is only as good as you are working. For this reason, you

workplace stress

How To Overcome Workplace Stress

No matter how much you love what you are doing in the office, you can fall victim to workplace stress. Every job has its stressful elements from meeting deadlines to reaching sales quotas. Work-related stress will most likely always be part of your corporate life. Learning how to overcome workplace stress is vital as it

customer service

Customer Service vs Customer Support: What’s The Difference?

Customer service and customer support are often interchanged. For this reason, differentiating the two can become a challenge. The biggest mistake is not making a distinction between the two. They do have similarities in that they focus on helping customers. Aside from that they use similar tools such as email, chat, and phone for communication.

how to boost customer experience

How To Boost Customer Experience

The customer experience is vital in customer retention and loyalty. You may have been a customer yourself most of the time and you know how terribly frustrating bad customer experience can be. The way your customers feel and think about your company can have an impact on your bottom line. It can make a huge

customer relationship

Tips on Improving Customer Relationship Management

Maintaining a good customer relationship should be the core of your business. In a competitive industry, customer retention is the name of the game. You want to make sure that your current customers will buy from you over and over again. Customer retention makes sense considering that acquiring new customers is 5 to 25 times

lead generation

Lead Generation: Should You Outsource or Keep It In-House

Lead generation is the process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service in order to develop your sales pipeline. Over the years, the buying process has changed dramatically. Businesses have to find new ways in reaching buyers and getting heard through the noise. Gone are the days when companies had to use


Difference Between Contact Center and Call Center: Which One Does Your Business Need?

Call centers and contact centers are used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing. They are two distinct modes of business communication. Assuming that the two are the same can be a huge business mistake. Both call centers and contact centers are effective channels for building connections with customers. Both are tools for customer


Types of Entrepreneurial Burnout and How To Deal With Them

Running your own business can be an exhilarating experience. If your business is just a startup, you want to see it become successful. More often than not, it means working long hours. Most influential entrepreneurs believe that the hours you put into your business affects your success as an entrepreneur. Real estate mogul Grant Cardone


How To Outsource Web Development

Building a website is vital for any organization. It can be an effective tool for marketing your business to potential customers online. One cannot deny the impact of having an online presence where customers are able to find your product and/or services. Creating a website is a tedious task that requires an expert. If you

business model

Different Kinds of Business Models Explained

When planning to setup a business, there are many crucial business decisions you have to make. One such decision is what kind of business you will create. There are different types of business models to choose from. If you are planning to build your business from scratch, the business model you choose will be crucial


How To Outsource Accounting Work

Running a business involves crunching numbers. As an entrepreneur, you have to worry about operational costs, taxes, and other financial considerations. But number crunching and business management can become overwhelming as time goes by. For this reason, you need to consider learning how to outsource accounting work. Most business owners dread crunching numbers. Checking and

customer objection

How To Handle Customer Objections

Most salespeople think of customer objections as something negative. In reality, this is not the case. A customer objection is not necessarily bad. We can think of objections as issues or concerns that you need to address. At the very least, the prospect has shown interest in engaging with you. The fact that the prospect

order fulfillment

How To Outsource Order Fulfillment

When managing an ecommerce business, order fulfillment is a vital process. From order taking to delivery – all of these stages of order fulfillment are crucial in ensuring customer satisfaction. While you can do the order fulfillment yourself in the initial stages, it can become overwhelming if your business grows and there is a huge


25 Tasks To Outsource For A Small Company

As a business owner, you need to realize that you cannot be a jack of all trades. This means that you cannot be a businessman and employee at the same time. This is the reason why most entrepreneurs fail in growing their business. As an entrepreneur, you need to work on your business and not

recruitment process outsourcing

Recruitment Process Outsourcing vs Traditional Recruitment: Which One Is Right For Your Business?

Hiring new employees is necessary for every business. If you have new projects requiring manpower or positions that need to be filled up, you will need to find a recruiter for those requirements. As a business owner, you need to find the right recruitment partner. When it comes to recruitment you have an option to

recruitment process outsourcing

How To Outsource Recruitment Services

Recruiting the right person is a tedious task. As a businessperson, you want to focus on doing what you should be doing—grow your business. For this reason, you need to learn how to outsource recruitment and free some of your time to being IN the business rather than ON it. Recruitment helps you find the

customer service

How To Outsource Customer Service

As a business owner, customer service should be your utmost priority. Whenever customers have complaints or inquiries, you need to address them right away. When you are a startup, it is okay that you’re the one to handle customer service issues. However, as your client base grows, it can become overwhelming to handle all those


In-House Staff or Freelancers: Which Is The Best Option When Outsourcing?

As a business owner, your main objective is to see your business grow. If you are just starting out, it is normal that you want to be hands-on with the management of your business. Eventually, however, as your business starts to grow, managing your business starts to become overwhelming. Some tasks may keep you from


How To Outsource Amazon Seller Support

The Amazon Marketplace has become a competitive place for online sellers. From starting out as an online book seller, a lot has changed for Amazon. Today, it is the leading digital e-retailer in the world. When it comes to online shopping, Amazon is the first place that most buyers will visit. As of 2018, Amazon


How To Outsource Your Amazon Operation

Amazon has come a long way since Jeff Bezos launched it in his garage in 1994. 25 years after that, it has become the world’s largest retailer and a household name when it comes to online shopping. Today, there are 119,928,851  million products available on Amazon as of April 2019.  In addition, it ranks as


How To Outsource Ecommerce Support

With the number of people doing their shopping online, having an e-commerce store can be a lucrative form of business. In 2017, e-commerce accounted for around $2.3 trillion in sales and is projected to reach $4.5 trillion in 2021. In the US alone, ecommerce collared 10% of retail sales and is expected to grow by


Understanding The Difference Between KPO and BPO: Which Outsourcing Is Best For You?

Outsourcing has been around for years. In the Philippines, the industry continues to grow as the country is one of the top outsourcing destinations in the world. A recent report by The Everest Group, a Texas-based global consulting and research firm, revealed that the Philippines will remain to be the top call-center destination in the


The Philippine Outsourcing Industry In A Glance

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), more commonly just known as Services Outsourcing, has been a huge contributor to the global economy over the years. Between 2012 and 2016, the global BPO industry grew at a compound annual growth rate of 4.4% for a total revenue of $140.3 billion in 2016. In the Philippines, the gross domestic


10 Things to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants (VAs) have changed the way people do business. These people usually work remotely at home as freelancers or contractors doing administrative tasks. The term was first coined by life coach Thomas Leonard in 1996 while having a phone conversation with Anastacia Brice. A year later, Brice opened the first organization for VAs called

th (1)

Selling In the Business Travel Sector

Business travel is necessary for growth and expansion of your company. From time to time, you need to meet your business partners for some meetings about the company. Statistics from The Global Business Travel Association published in CreditDonkey revealed that the number of business trips taken annually generated $488 million annually, making this a huge

airisx logo (white)

Why change to airisX?

Finding a credible partner and service provider to help your business grow can be really hard nowadays. Whether it is very expensive, or the quality is being compromised, being confident and at ease that your products and/or services is in good hands is the most important thing. You might have found a partner or a


Getting an Amazon FBA Business Ready for Sale

Always a great time to talk with our friends over at If you don't know them, they are the premier place to buy and sell your on-line business. Listen in on Haumin, our VP of Service Delivery, chatting with Jake about how to leverage services and outsourcing to prepare a business for sale.  


Quality Assurance

airisX’s Quality assurance team prevents mistakes or defects in the manufactured products to avoid problems when delivering solutions or services to existing and potential customers. The term “quality assurance” and “quality control” have been used interchangeably most of the time to show ways of ensuring the quality of the product or services. The Quality Assurance

order taking

Order Taking

In any business or organization, taking orders is an important task at some level of business process. Order Taking is the process of recording orders accurately, ensuring that the recorded data is secured, and delivering the same. If some or most of your customers prefer to place their orders by talking with a live person

Data Encoding

Data Encoding

Data Encoding is a process entering data information such as billing information, taxes, clients list, and more in to your company’s databases. Data Encoding is necessary for internal use, as well as governmental regulatory compliance. A Data Encoder is responsible to put all of this data in your company’s database(s) and ensuring that everything is

Customer Support

Customer Support

Customer Support includes a range of customer services to assist customers. This includes planning, training, troubleshooting, product/service explanations, upgrading, and disposal of a product. It can easily be one of the most important parts of your business, since if you provide excellent customer support, your existing customers and potential customers will have a professional feel

Business Sale Representatives

Sales Excellence – Top Business Sale Representatives

Sales is a crucial part of your business. Your sales performance is a critical factor for your growth, expansion, and the overall success of the business. But Sales is also a team effort. You can’t be expected to do it alone. You need a team of highly-skilled and dependable sales representatives who can handle inbound

Network Operations Center

Network Operations Center

Via the airisX Global Network Operations Centers (GNOC), with internal and partner facilities located globally, we provide top tier NOC Managed Services to our global clients. We source certified and experienced engineers to manage your network like you would. airisX, and its principles, have over a decade of experience in NextGen Wireless and Wireline data

Telesales vs. Telemarketing

Telesales vs. Telemarketing

Telesales is the selling a company’s products or services via telephone, either by phoning possible customers directly or answering inbound calls from customers. There are some key differences difference between Telemarketing and Telesales. The words “Telemarketing” and “Telesales” are often used interchangeably, and used to describe activities that often crossover between both services. However, knowing


Sales Support

airisX Sales Support services are designed to support your sales teams efforts, freeing your high performing sales people up to take more meetings and close more deals. Sales Support offers a host of services and capabilities to grow your sales without significantly increasing expenses. The airisX Sales Support team can manage your opportunities through the presales


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a way to get your website higher rankings in top search engines like Google or Bing. These search engines rank in your site based on individual ranking algorithms that change often, but we believe that scalable SEO is a result of solid processes and content that simply provides value to


Social Media Marketing Support Services

Over the years, social media marketing has evolved from being just another marketing channel into an important part of the customer service experience. Major brands and small businesses are now investing heavily in dedicated social media marketing teams to implement their social media strategies successfully. airisX brings our outsourcing services to the next level by maintaining

Amazon Seller Burnout

Many Amazon Sellers struggle keep up with the daily grind of responding to all their support requests within 24 hours, keep listing copy fresh, deal with FBA shipping issues, manage inventory levels, promote products and market via AMS and external products, let alone finding time to grow their business.

Do you suffer from Amazon Seller Burnout? Don’t know if it’s time to bring in expert help?

10 Functions You Should Outsource To A Third Party

As a business owner, you want to be hands-on in its operations. However, managing a business involves a lot of functions that are better off handled by professionals. You cannot be a jack-of-all-trades or the whole business may suffer. This is where an outsourced third party comes in. They allow you to focus on what

Tips For Dealing With An Irate Customer

No matter how great your product is, there will be customers who will not be pleased and get frustrated. As a customer service agent, you will be dealing with irate customers at some point in time. Customers expect a lot from your brand and they get frustrated if you cannot meet their expectations. According to

How To Choose An Ecommerce Platform

Choosing the right platform is crucial to the success of your ecommerce business. Online stores have been on the rise in recent years. According to Insider Intelligence, ecommerce sales will comprise 23.6 percent of all retail sales by 2025, which is more than double than they were in 2019. With an ecommerce platform, online stores

Tips For Making Your Website Mobile Friendly

Having a website for your business is a good way to establish an online presence. With most transactions now being done online, not having a website can be a huge mistake. In today’s digital age, people prefer buying products online using their mobile devices. According to Oberlo, mobile web traffic accounts for 54.8% of global

How To Show Empathy In Customer Service

It used to be that businesses offered the best product and pricing to lure potential customers. All that has changed over the years. Nowadays, the company with the best customer service wins customers. According to Zendesk, 3 in 4 customers will spend more with businesses that deliver good customer service. In addition, customers who feel

10 Dropshipping Mistakes You Should Avoid

If you are just getting started  with an ecommerce business, dropshipping can be a good fulfillment option. In dropshipping, the burden of shipping an order lies on the shoulders of a dropshipping company. Your only job is to provide the dropshipping company with customer information and they will handle the order fulfillment.  While it may

How To Boost Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is the key to converting visitors to paying customers. You may have the best products and offerings in your industry but if your target market is not engaged, no amount of convincing will convert them. Customer engagement is not just about reducing your churn and getting more referrals. You need to interact with

Tips On Boosting Your Online Store

In today’s digital age, not having an online store could translate to lost business for you. Online stores have been big in the last few years, especially during the pandemic. People prefer the convenience of being able to make purchases anytime anywhere. As of 2022, there were 268 million online shoppers in the United States

Benefits of Having An Online Store

In today’s online world, having an online presence can give your business a competitive edge. If you are selling products, an online store can help you reach more customers. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the rise in popularity of online stores. But even before, many businesses have already been running their online stores. In the


Getting started is easy. Schedule a conversation with us.