10 Reasons Why You Should Outsource SEO

Whether it’s a blog, ecommerce website, or homepage, search engine optimization is vital to driving traffic. 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Your objective is to ensure that your blog or website makes it to the top of search engine ranking results. If your site does not make it to the search engine results, potential customers will not find your website. According to BrightEdge, SEO drives 1,000% more traffic than organic social media. In addition, SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate

Search engine optimization requires technical expertise, which your in-house team may not have. SEO entails more than just adding keywords to content to make it rank. It involves other tasks that require monitoring in the background. It is a time-consuming process that may take your team away from what they should be doing. This is where outsourcing SEO makes sense. Are you having second thoughts about outsourcing SEO? Here are 10 reasons for hiring an outsourcing provider for your SEO needs. 

10 Reasons For Outsourcing SEO 

  1. Work With Experts 
  2. Stay Updated With The Latest Trends 
  3. Get A Return of Investment 
  4. Improve Website Rankings 
  5. It is Cost Effective  
  6. Easily Track Your Progress
  7. Focus on Your Business
  8. Avoid Google Penalty 
  9. Utilize The Provider’s Network 
  10. Expand Client Base

Let’s discuss

10 Reasons Why You Should Outsource SEO 

Outsourcing SEO makes sense if you want to drive organic traffic to your website and lead generation. Regardless of the size of your business, search engine optimization can help boost the searchability of your website. Search engine optimization is time-consuming and requires patience to see results. In this article, we will look at 10 reasons you should be considering SEO outsourcing. 

1. Work With Experts 

One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing search engine optimization is that you get to work with experts. SEO can be difficult for people who do not know how to do it. Optimizing your website for search engines goes beyond adding keywords and backlinks to content. By outsourcing SEO, you get to partner with experts who have the skills and experience to drive the traffic that your website needs.

Outsourcing to a provider will help compensate for the lack of SEO skills and experience of your in-house team. It is understandable if you want to try SEO yourself but you may not get the results that you desire. Frankly speaking, you cannot be a jack-of-all-trades. Just focus on the tasks you are good at. 

In addition, outsourcing your SEO allows you to harness the power of SEO tools such as SEMRush, Moz, and Ahrefs. Aside from that, you can capitalize on the expertise of the provider in related disciplines such as digital marketing, social media, web design, and copywriting. SEO agencies have years of experience working on different types of projects.

2. Stay Updated With The Latest Trends 

Search engine optimization is a dynamic sector. For this reason, you need to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. SEO strategies working a few years back may no longer be effective today. Chances are your in-house team may not be able to keep up with the latest trends. They would stick to the old techniques which are already obsolete and might not yield any result. This is where an SEO agency can be of great help. 

Google continually changes its search engine algorithm. It is worth noting that Google updates its algorithm 500 to 600 times a year or roughly once or twice a day. On your own, your team may not be able to stay up-to-date with the latest Google trends. On the other hand, an outsourced SEO company is constantly keeping up with shifting trends. It is their bread and butter. Keeping up with the latest trends is the core of their responsibilities. Hence, you always have access to a constant source of information. 

Outsourcing SEO means you can tap into the knowledge and expertise of a professional. They always monitor SEO changes and updates to search engine algorithms so you are assured that your strategy will remain effective and relevant. This way, you will avoid being penalized by Google because your website did not follow Google standards. You would avoid the risk of getting a strike against your website.

3. Get A Return on Investment 

Building a website can be pretty expensive so you want to make the most out of it. With effective SEO, visitors will keep coming back and also create a pathway for attracting new visitors to your website and drive organic traffic to it. By outsourcing SEO, you can be sure that your website will be sustainable and engage customers. After all, your website is useless if it does not engage customers, which is what your website is really designed to do. 

It is more likely that you have invested time and money in the design and content of your website so it is more likely that you are looking for the highest return on investment. Working with an SEO provider will help improve the profitability of your website. They will review how SEO-friendly your site is. The SEO company will ensure that you will get maximum website traffic. 

By outsourcing, the SEO company will conduct a website audit. They will check for broken links, review page load speed, and test the user experience. The outsourced SEO provider will not only ensure that you drive tons of traffic to your website but also help boost your conversion rate. An improved conversion rate means a higher return on investment.

4. Improve Website Rankings 

This is the main objective of search engine optimization – to help your website rank. You can always pay for advertisements to boost your online presence. However, for how long will you be spending? When you are no longer spending, sooner or later customers will no longer remember your brand. On the other hand, once you establish a solid online presence and achieve a high ranking, you will stay there unless you delete content or take down your website.  

When done right, search engine optimization can increase your rankings exponentially. With 92% of internet searches happening on Google, it is important that your website should be visible on the first page of the search results, or else customers would not even know your brand exists. An outsourced provider will find a relevant keyword or search term to ensure that your website will appear on the top page of search results. They will do some tweaks on your website. 

SEO agencies will use the latest techniques and tools for keeping your website ranking well.  They will boost your website speed to avoid delays in loading. Website conversion rate drops by an average of 4.42% for every additional second of delay in loading time. According to Unbounce, nearly 70% of consumers admit that loading speed impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer. That is why an SEO provider will do everything to keep your website up to speed.

5. It is Cost Effective  

Compared to setting up an in-house team to do the optimization for you, outsourcing your SEO is budget-friendly. With the former, you may need to hire separate professionals to perform different SEO tasks. Aside from that, you would have to invest in SEO tools and software. In addition, you will also have to pay for the cost of training your team. 

Outsourcing gives you everything you need for a fraction of the cost of hiring an in-house team. You get an entire team of professionals for considerably less than the cost of hiring several employees within your walls. They already have the tools and software for doing their task so you do not need to buy your own. 

Getting SEO right at the onset can pay dividends for many years. On the other hand, get it wrong at the start and it could turn out to be more costly than what you expected it to be. You do not need to spend time or money on training your team because the provider has the experience to do SEO,

6. Easily Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress is important for growing your business. You need to analyze various data so you can see where to make the needed adjustments. But it can prove to be a challenge if you do not know how to do it in the first place. Google Analytics can be complicated for those who do not have knowledge about it. 

Outsourcing this task to an experienced SEO provider can make your life much easier. Analyzing website numbers is one of their specialties so they can give you an idea of how your website is faring against the competition. They can provide you with a full report and give their recommendations on how you can improve your numbers. 

On your own, you can easily get lost and mixed up with the different KPIs and metrics you need to measure and focus your efforts on. You could easily struggle with measuring success factors or setting benchmarks. With an SEO agency, it would be much easier to track your search engine performance. They can help you craft and implement the right SEO strategies.

7. Focus on Your Business

Monitoring your search engine performance and determining how to improve your rankings can be time-consuming. It is not easy to optimize your site pages and content to make it rank higher especially if those who are handling the task do not have the experience. Letting seasoned professionals handle your SEO efforts will save your team time and effort. 

Outsourcing SEO allows you to focus on business-related tasks like finding new clients or growing your business. While the SEO agency is planning strategies for optimizing your search engine, you can focus on other areas of your business. You can concentrate on strengthening your core business. 

Trying to do it yourself can be tiring and may slow down your progress. By outsourcing, you get more time on working on other important strategies on how you can improve your business. Your chosen provider can help you keep up or even get ahead of the competition. When you outsource SEO, you can get the desired results you want for your business.  

8. Avoid Google Penalty 

Google updates are very frequent and if the search engine giant catches that your website is not following its standards, you could face penalties. Consequently, it could hurt your website and the repercussions for not following Google updates could be long-term. It could take a long time for your website to recover. 

There are so many instances where you can be hit by Google penalties. For example, if your content is not original, you overuse keywords or links, or there is duplicate information on your website. These could be red flags for Google to penalize your website. This is where an SEO agency will come in. They will make sure that your content and links comply with Google guidelines. 

According to a recent study, websites that get penalized by Google see an average 50% reduction in their organic search traffic. Google penalties can have a huge impact on your search engine ranking. Working with an SEO provider will regularly monitor your website and ensure that it steers clear of penalties.

9. Utilize The Provider’s Network 

Another huge benefit of outsourcing your SEO function is that you do not only get access to the experts themselves but also to their network. The firm may be working with other partners such as PPC experts, Google Analytics masters, and other SEO experts. This way, you get a new perspective on how to improve your search engine ranking. This outside perspective can be important in making important business decisions. 

SEO entails the use of your creative mind just like sales and product support and business development. After all, you need some level of creativity to get SEO right. With an SEO provider, you may be able to tap the creative minds of the SEO firm’s partners so you can come up with the best SEO tactics that convert. 

The SEO provider may have industry connections that can provide additional value to the partnership such as advertising, branding and logo, and lead generation. In addition, they may connect you to influencers and vendors who can promote your products. Building a professional network can be difficult if you will build it yourself.

10. Expand Your Client Base 

By working with an SEO provider, you get an opportunity to expand your client base. When you reach out to an SEO firm, you open up opportunities to reach a wider audience and boost your brand visibility and establish an online presence. People will see your brand whenever they search for products or services you cater to. 

By partnering with an SEO provider, potential clients will become aware of your brand and may reach out to you. This would help increase your revenue and in growing your business. Having an SEO firm as a business partner will give your brand better exposure and a more professional look that will attract potential customers and ensure business success. 

When done right, SEO can improve the user experience. It can also aid in brand awareness and visibility by getting your website in front of your target audience. You may have a great website but if it does not give you your desired traffic, it would be hard to attract potential customers and convince them to do business with you. 


In today’s online world, your website needs to be the first or at least one of the brands on the top page of the search. This is why you should consider outsourcing search engine optimization. Your in-house team may not have the right skill and capability to generate the right traffic for your business. 

Why Outsourcing SEO with airisX Makes Sense?  

Outsourcing allows you, as a business, to focus on your main competencies and operations and forget the hassle of sharp learning curves when the task falls outside your company’s core area of business.

By outsourcing to a leader like airisX, you will be able to scale up quickly by getting the right resources, processes and technological infrastructure. Contact us at contact@airisx.com and we would be happy to assist you with the outsourcing solution that is right for you. 



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