Freelancer or Agency: Which One Should You Outsource To?

Outsourcing provides businesses with an opportunity to focus on what they do best. Some businesses may already have employees capable of doing additional work but others might not have this option. This is where they can bank on the assistance of an outsourcing provider. When it comes to outsourcing, you can choose between hiring a freelancer or a full outsourcing agency. Each has its pros and cons; knowing them will help you make an informed decision. 

Freelancers are hired and contracted for temporary work and paid on a project basis. They are hired as long as their clients need their services. With an agency, on the other hand, you get access to a talent pool that you can utilize for various tasks. Before deciding which one to outsource, consider the complexity of your projects, your objectives, goals for the project, and budget.  

Why Should You Outsource A Freelancer? 

  1. Affordable Services 
  2. Specialized Focus 
  3. Flexibility 
  4. Less Supervision 
  5. High Quality of Work 
  6. Global Reach 

Why Should You Outsource An Agency? 

  1. Dedicated Team 
  2. Efficient Work
  3. Accountability 
  4. Security 
  5. Pool of Experts 
  6. Availability
  7. Business Continuity 

How To Choose Between Freelancer & Agency 

  1. Skillset
  2. Project Type 
  3. Budget
  4. Flexibility 

When To Hire Freelancers or Agency 

Why Should You Outsource to a Freelancer? 

Freelancers work independently. They are bound by a contract and can work short-term or long-term for a fixed amount stipulated in a contract. They charge by the hour or a fixed rate if you hire them on a per-project basis. Maybe you are asking yourself: “Why should you hire a freelancer?” Here are the reasons you should consider outsourcing to a freelancer:

1. Affordable Services 

Freelancers charge you only for the work they have done. They are paid either on an hourly or per-project basis. In addition, you do not have to worry about overhead expenses. Freelancers will shoulder their own equipment, electricity, and internet. Also, you do not have to worry about taxes and benefits because you do not employ them.

2. Specialized Focus

Freelancers focus on one area of expertise or niche. They are your best option if you want to focus on a specific project. With freelancers, you can be as specific as you need when it comes to the skillset. Freelancers are qualified experts on your specific job demand. You will find a freelancer with a specific skill set that meets your job requirements.

3. Flexibility

Freelancers can handle any kind of project, whether short-term or side projects. Once you hire them, they will do their thing. They are also okay if you involve them in the creative process and workflow. They can work long hours to finish assigned projects. Moreover, they won’t have a problem with adjusting their schedules to fit your needs and requirements.

4. Less Supervision

Freelancers work on their own. They are great at what they do, so you don’t have to constantly check on them. They will just send you updates and reports at the end of the day so you will be in the loop about the progress of their task.

5. High Quality of Work

Freelancers have built a reputation of delivering high-quality work. They want to protect their integrity, and they understand that poor quality work will hurt their reputation and could result in them losing their clients. They know that successfully completing projects will help them build their reputation.

6. Global Reach 

Most freelancers work from the other side of the world in different time zones. This is a good opportunity for your brand to get instant recognition and promotion. The freelancer will be representing your brand. They work remotely and are not in-house, so they don’t need to come from a certain area. 

Why Should You Outsource An Agency?

While working with a freelancer is more affordable, it does not necessarily mean it is the best option. With an agency, you get access to a pool of talents that can perform various tasks for you.  They are also backed up with years of experience in the industry. Here are the reasons why you should consider working with an agency.

1. Dedicated Team

With an agency, you get to work with a dedicated team. They can handle multiple projects because each member of the team has their own specialization. If you are handling complex projects requiring multiple tasks, a dedicated team is the way to go. You can accomplish multiple tasks in a short period of time.

2. Efficient Work

Agencies can assign the right professional for a certain job. Depending on the project’s complexity, they can finish the job quickly within the deadline. Agencies know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. For this reason, they can dedicate the right individual to deliver results in line with your specific requirements. In addition, they have an established workflow so you can expect a high level of efficiency.

3. Accountability

It does not mean that freelancers are not accountable and trustworthy, just like the freelancers, agencies do not want to tarnish their reputation. In addition, they initiate processes like project planning and management, quality control, emergency response, testing, and others. Likewise, they want to protect their track record. Furthermore, the workloads of agencies are managed for maximum efficiency.

4. Security

Agencies are more regulated and structured and they conduct transactions with other businesses so they most likely have data protection policies in place. They have processes like NDAs and contract partnerships so customers can have peace of mind. If a breach of contract happens, your business information is protected under the document.

5. Pool of Experts

It’s unlikely that you will find a freelancer who has multiple skill sets to suit your job requirements all at once. Working with an agency allows you to tap into professionals with different expertise. This allows you to work with the agency for other task requirements. You can take on several jobs simultaneously, saving time and providing better mileage.

6. Availability

When you delegate tasks to your in-house team, they may be unable to work on them effectively because they may already be overwhelmed with other tasks. On the other hand, agencies can handle anything that you place on their plate. You don’t have to worry about them quitting on you in the middle of the project.

7. Business Continuity

When power or Internet is out, there is no assurance that a freelancer will be able to deliver within the deadline. Meanwhile, agencies consistently strengthen their tools to ensure your business continuity. In addition, agencies always have safeguards in place. They have emergency measures always in place. 

Choosing Between Freelancer and Agency  

Now that you understand the benefits of both freelancing and agency work, how do you go about choosing between the two? Here are some helpful tips to help you decide which one to outsource.

1. Skillset

If you are looking for a core set of skills, freelancers are the best person to hire. They are your best option if you are looking for a niche skill set. For example, if you are looking for a web developer, graphic artist, or videographer, you will surely find a freelancer who is up to the task. A freelancer, however, could not provide you with full-scale solutions.  

On the other hand, if you are looking for multiple skills for your project, an agency is your go-to option. For a digital marketing project, for instance, an agency usually has a content writer, SEO specialist, and social media manager. You don’t have to go through the process of explaining your project goal as they will likely be on the same page when it comes to what works best for your business.

2. Type of Project

Another important consideration when deciding between an agency and a freelancer is the scale, scope, and timeframe of the project. A freelancer is unlikely to deliver a big project within a few weeks. Freelancers manage their clients closely. When they handle projects, they make sure it won’t overwhelm them. They will ensure high quality for their clients. 

Freelancers might already have deadlines with their clients and will struggle to fit your project in. They know that their work will  have a direct impact on not just their reputation but also their personal integrity. If you really want to work with a freelancer, look for one with a network of associates that can support the quick delivery of sizable projects. 

An agency, on the other hand, can deliver bigger projects in shorter time frames. They have more resources and manpower to finish up your project quickly. Depending on the scope of your project, you can decide whether to partner with a freelancer or agency.

3. Budget

Freelancers don’t expect to be paid the same way as your full-time employees. Depending on your agreement with them, it can be by the hour or per project. You also don’t have to pay them the usual benefits like medical or social security. They are not part of your company and hired as an independent contractor. If they get sick, you do not have to pay for their hospitalization. 

Agencies, on the other hand, have higher overhead costs. They might be renting office space where they will house the staff they will hire for your project. By adding more people, they will become more flexible in handling projects requiring more skills.

4. Flexibility

When it comes to flexibility, freelancers are your best option. They are independent contractors and are open for negotiation.  can work weekends, odd hours, or during emergencies. However, they may be handling other clients so they may not be available when you need them in a pinch. But you can mitigate this by getting to know what their schedule is and their workload outside of their work for you. 

Agencies, on the other hand, may not be flexible with their schedule but they are with their resources. They can give additional support should you need it. Aside from that, agencies pay for overhead costs like rent, salaries, and others so you cannot expect them to negotiate from pricing.  

When To Hire Freelancers or Agency

Freelancers are great at working on short-term projects. You can start with a small project to check compatibility before moving to larger on longer-term projects. You can hire a freelancer to add graphics to your daily social media posts or for a one-time project of redesigning your website. For small and easy to manage projects, you can hire one or two freelancers. If you choose to do so, you can also hire as many freelancers as you want as long as you can manage them properly. 

On the other hand, agencies are best to hire for complex projects requiring many different skills to work together. It is unlikely for a single person to be effective in projects requiring writing, design, and development. Also, if you cannot manage freelancers for their projects, then choose an agency. Most have project managers who can oversee and handle tasks better. 

At the end of the day, it boils down to a matter of personal preference. It will depend on your needs, requirements, and budget to determine whether you need to hire a freelancer or an agency. 

Outsource Your Freelancing Needs With airisX 

Outsourcing allows you, as a business, to focus on your main competencies and operations and forget the hassle of sharp learning curves when the task falls outside your company’s core area of business.

By outsourcing to a leader like airisX, you can scale up quickly by getting the right resources, processes and technological infrastructure. No matter what your scaling requirements are, airisX will give you the best optimised solution and you will be able to focus on making your customers happy. Your back office operations will be simplified, giving your users a high-quality experience.

Get in touch with us at and we will get back to you with a customized solution. 


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